Growth to anyone is relative, growth to me can be finally learning how to arrange my room but to you it can be learning how to let go of toxic people. Growth no matter how strenuous is always for the better, just like time, with growth there is no going back.
   Growth is like rain drops trying to feel a stream, vessel is still the same, the water might be sweeter but its capacity is reached it runs over. When growth visits you, old skins have to find their way back to earth.


 “started from the bottom, now we are here”- Drake

I grew up watching Mo Abudu on Moments with MO.
I remember always being excited to watch her show, Lord knows I didn’t understand half of the things she was saying, but I saw a woman who was able to make her guests feel at home and ask well-thought-out questions. Now she is the owner of EBONY LIFE TV. 
        Everyone you aspire to become started from somewhere. No one jumped into the shoes they wear now, they had to grow into them.
            Wearing oversized clothing as kids is a tradition in every African household, because you were supposed to grow into it. This shows that growth is expected, at least physically but the mental aspect is where the real work is.
An African mother looking at you when you say "the cloth is too big for you".

                  WITH GROWING COMES PAINS.
      Growing up is very lonely, it’s a personal journey that comes with a lot of ups and down. You see yourself changing your views and perspective on various issues, you start to loose and gain friends, your body is changing, your family and friends are changing too and it seems like your perfect little world is crumbling before you. I remember the first time I asked a friend of mine to do something for me and she said NO. I was so pissed, but I had to learn that people are going to tell you no and it’s okay.
    Growing up comes with a lot of emotional pains, especially from relationships. Imagine a Danfo bus, people come in and drop off at their bus stops but the bus driver doesn’t drop off with them. He is always constant, the number of people coming in and dropping of will change but he won’t.
         Everyone has a role to play in your life and when they are done with their scene, it is okay for them to take a bow. A hard nut to chew but it is inevitable.
        Growth also comes with the fear of not becoming, well if you don’t try then it’s the same as failing. Trying and failing comes with learning, it arms with experience that you don’t read about in books. It might seem safer to be stuck in the same phase, but ask yourself, is this all I can be?
     Growing also comes with acceptance. To improve yourself must accept who you are at this time, so you be better. You must be patient with yourself, time will surely write your progress story. Mine is currently in the nineteenth chapter, and ink never finish.


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