Tattoo Lovers, Here Are 5 Essentials You Should Know Before Getting Your First Ink.

  Getting a tattoo is one of the coolest pains you can think off, some will say getting an ink is like getting married it stays for life and you definitely don't want to wake up seeing your arm filled with ugly and unhealthy tattoos. To avoid waking and regretting your inked skin, thread carefully on the necessary procedures and wise decisions.

Drink plenty of water

It’s important to stay hydrated during the process and you should drink plenty of water beforehand. Being well hydrated is always a good idea but in this particular case, it helps you last longer and heal quicker afterwards.

Keep your skin moisturized 

Obviously don’t slather yourself in moisturizer right before your tattoo but it’s definitely a good idea to moisturize your skin leading up to the day before you go. According to what I’ve read, it also helps the ink take a bit better.

Eat Well

Make sure you eat a good hearty meal before your appointment. Your body is going to need the energy, especially when your instinct is going to be to tense up during the painful parts of the tattoo.

Don't do it on the cheap

Unless you have several friends that can vouch for a cheap tattoo parlor,you're altering your body for life and if it sounds too good to be true then it is.

Choose Wisely

No matter how madly in love you are with someone right now, it's risky putting your soulmates name on your body;what if you are not together anymore so choose your tattoo choices wisely so you don't have regrets of taking it out.


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