Purpose Isn't Any Of These


 Growing up, we are faced with a lot of challenges that eventually distract us from being who we truly want to be because we are carried away. One thing that can really keep us in check is PURPOSE.

What does it mean to have purpose? What does purpose mean to you?

To me, Purpose is finding that one thing that keeps you burning & hungry. It is the first thing on your mind when you wake up and the last thing before bed time. 
Purpose = Vision... more like direction for the soul. 
It is interesting how in life, we are controlled by many things ... money, fashion, sports and betting, news, lifestyle, travels etc... we base off peripheral things... things that don’t actually matter. Things that can just slip off your hands easily. 

I am a big preacher of inclining oneself to immaterial things instead such as love, faith, helping others, impacting lives, giving to the poor/needy. In my 24 years of being alive, I have realized that life is a sprint, you need to run for a bit & rest for a bit to gather strength and restrategize for the next race. You need to align yourself with things that are energy filling like worshipping a supreme being, connecting with people of same value, educating someone.

In order to be on purpose, you have to be intentional... ‘Brymo’ a popular artist made this comment in one of his music that “Age is like fine wine but of little use in the moment”; I hold on to this so much because, thinking about it on a deeper level, I can argue that it is so true. A lot of youth these days are on the ‘high way of life’ struggling for mundane things such as women, riches, fame.... who is the most popular thing... Let’s be practical, a lot of people, infact majority don’t listen to motivation... I strongly advice against this behavior because if you are really going to be successful, you need all the motivation you can get to be very honest.  We look up to people like Myles Monroe, Rockefellers, Jay-z, Oprah, House of Tara, Ibukun Awosika, Les Brown, Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj... I could go on and on, if these guys didn’t/aren’t living a life of purpose, we won’t be mentioning their names today.

As a young person, it is time to find your way back... leave the highway where everyone is rushing towards... step back and reflect...It is way better to be known by few as a quality person than to be known by multitude as a Nuisance. I understand that Nuisance is a strong word and a lot of people might stop stop reading this write up here... but anyway, live a life of purpose always!.

Now you ask, how do I live a life of purpose?

1. Step Back To Retrace Your Steps: ask yourself, where have I missed it?... this is hard.. this is probably the hardest thing you would ever do in your life but it is totally worth it. Stepping back gives room for your inner being to reflect and connect. It gives your soul the chance to reverberate.

2. What Drives You?: ask yourself, what is that one thing that I would do even if I wasn’t paid to do it for the rest of my life? What would you do to make you grateful for you for choosing it? Go deep into your soul and search...

3. Stay On Your Purpose: once you have answered the above question, stay there... this is the second hardest thing in life because things will get tough... you will be pushed to the wall, your faith will be tested with hot irons and things of the world but only the determined survive. Success comes to those who persevere, endure, work hard and PRAY.

In conclusion, when finding your purpose, you need to connect to a supreme being,  you need to be rooted and grounded in spirituality because the spirit controls the physical...

If you found this impactful, share with someone you love!

- Esmeralda


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