4 Sex Topics You And Your Partner Should Discuss

Did you guys just start talking? or its a bit weird of talking about your sexual desires and fetish?

When your communication skills are topnotch in your love circle ,everything will be fine including great sex. when you become intimate with your partner, you discover a lot of hidden desires. Before you visit her holy land if you want to minimize the chances of an awkward moment in bed,knowing each others desire and past is key in kicking off the right foot.

1] Desires Fetish and Fantasies 
its essential for couples to discuss about their fetish and sexual pleasures so as to know when and how to connect with your partner. Use of toys,oils and potion are pretty standard but if you're a bondage queen or secret dominant give your partner a heads up. Many have been single for a while and their sex life has gone east,don't be worried there is a cure for it. Never underestimate your lovers bedroom interest with  people that discuss about sex,there often think of vaginal intercourse but its more than that; Anal or Oral sex also counts yes? Are you ready for all three? Is your partner ready to talk? It clarifies boundaries

2] Discuss Your Future Plans And Sexual History
Do not leave it to your partner to look out for your best interests. Your sexual health is your responsibility like the saying "What you don't know might hurt you". Its okay to to be fresh together,its certainly one that ends with you both feeling great about having a clean slate. Family planning is also a thing for safe and free sex,talk to your partners about birth control methods. I promise you nothing is more uncomfortable than dealing with an unplanned pregnancy.

3]Be Open About Your Sexual Secrets
In order to have a healthy sexual expression in the bedroom,its a brilliant idea that partners are honest about what has happened to them the good,bad and ugly. But the question is how do you approach such a touchy topic? Its best to initiate this conversation in private not in texts or in functions keyword is "IN PRIVATE"

QUICK HACK: "you can begin by letting your partner know that you have something you'd want to discuss with them but you feel uncomfortable about the conversation but you want to be honest".

NB: If you feel uncomfortable having sexual conversations or reveal your sexual past then you shouldn't be having sex with them.

4] Swap Roles And Calendars
You love it by 4am but they might be night crawlers,you're comfortable having sex 24/7 but you're partner is a two months guy.She loves to ride but you prefer from the back.You can be on different frequencies, this is important because a night person can take a morning sex rejection personally.


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