
Showing posts from July, 2020

Man Of The House

Small boy playing on the sounds of time, Never expected the rain to shower on our dreams, Watched the drama unfold like gifts from boxes, A little boy saw his family get homeless, I got lost when I was young then hunger gave me comfort. I endured all the pains and shame from strangers, Dad told us that some days will be rainy, But this storm might blow us all away, I saw love turn hate before the sun sets at dawn, This life we live is strange but trust it to be sane. Mom cried and said “ son you have this family on your back”, Then I knew the journey of greatness began from there, They closed the casket on kanyin my heart broke into pieces, I wrote this piece crying like it happened yesterday, I went on my knees and asked God what's my purpose, He replied with rainbows and the sun kept shining.

10 Random Facts That Will Blow Your Minds

   A little knowledge goes a long way, especially when it's about something as compounded as sex. From being a taboo to a reproducture affair now a desired act, sex can mean alot to different people and surprisingly animals too!! Humans sexual intercourse is both different from the same as that of animals. Let's give you some amazing sex facts and animal facts that will get your minds blasted. 1) Sex Was Found To Induce Improved Sleep.  Do you feel relaxed after busting a nut? Yes Sex helps you relax your nerves and it is a good one. After sex , Orgasm releases Prolactin,the hormone responsible for sleepiness and relaxation. 2) Having Sex Frequently Increases The Quality Of A Man's Sperm. In increases fertility and reduces the chances of DNA damage.A study was proven that men who ejaculate or have sex daily produce higher quality semen that those who don't. This might be helpful for couple's trying to conceive. 3) Most Women Are Not Able To Climax By Vagi


“Love doesn't make the world go round, Love is what makes the trip worth while”.  Love is composed of a single body inhabiting two different souls. Like the saying “ It takes two to tango ”, so not replying his/her texts or ghosting on your partner isn't the best way to grow love.    In our present day generation, many of us idealize love, we imagine a soft pleasurable feeling of emotions and care without actually doing the work. Some see it as as a lofty cure for all of life's problem. As we keep up with this,we underestimate the power of love and begin to swerve into lust and the end result is our relationships begins to suffer and pay the price of our negligence. Believing we all need love is not enough to play the cards to win, we most likely forget the core values such as honesty, commitments, self care,trust towards the ones we genuinely love. Someone once said;  “ If love solves everything,then why bother with the other stuff?yes all the unnecessary thi