How To Get Over Him/Her Quickly By Olamide Sawyer.

    While heartbreaks are really painful, they can be easily resolved in one of the following 8 steps.

1. Allow your self be sad.
   Its fine, it's okay. When people date and really have a connection they tend to loose them selves and become a whole new person. They fuse with the person they are in love. You start talking like them, using their slangs, even sometimes adjust your whole schedule to them. It's okay to be sad you lost someone who was a large part of your life. But you cant be sad for ever, most people believe you cant put a time limit on the sadness but I feel you should allow a week or 2 anything more can lead to depression.

2. Personally, I get moved by smell material things like his clothing that still smells like him would make remember and be really sad, it's an option If you have material things around that remind you of him/her, throw them away.

3. The DBDC, meaning

D-elete his/her music, art or anything non material that he/she may have given you
B-lock him/her for the time being
Delete the pictures
C-lear the chat
This is to make sure you cant go back and be reminiscing over spilt milk.

4. Accept he/she will move on too. This is really important, no matter how good you think you are, you must always remember that he/she will move on too and find someone else the person may or may not be better than you, but you must be ready to accept that you will see him/her with someone else and it will sting.

5. Reconnect with friends 
    If you can try to stay away from people of the opposite sex and exes within this time of recuperation, feelings must find a way out and if you're not careful you could find your self in a really bad situationship.

6. Find a hobby, get your mind off it.

7. When you are sure you're not going to blatantly fall back into a pit of dispare and self pity, try and hit him/her up ask how they are and how they are doing. No matter what he/she did to you the person is still only human too, and if he/she actually had any form of feelings for you then he/she probably went through some emotional pain of his/her own.

8. Be cool, not "go to their house and end up making out" cool, like "if I see you in public I'd wave and you'd wave and I would not wish i were anywhere else but here" cool.

     Failure to follow anyone of the steps completely affects your recovery, please also remember what works for me wouldnt necessarily work for you. These are a few things that make me seem heartless but it's pure sense because in a generation like ours you genuinely cannot come and kill your self.


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