Welcome on board readers,hope you missed me because I missed y'all but don't be sad,we have one of waviest artiste in the industry right now in the house,the name “lectrik” isn't new to us again.
       Benedict Okojie popularly known as “Lectrik” is a song writer and recording artiste who is good in his craft of music making. We had in the studio and we talked at length on his career and what music has done for him and his brand. Stay tuned.

CM:Whats your full name?

Lectrik: My full name is Benedict Okojie.

CM: Do you have an alias?

Lectrik: my alias Is Lectrik.

CM:Tell us how your lifestyle as influenced your style of music?

Lectrik: i think the best way define my music is however way my listener interprets it. I wouldn't like to give a box or limit it because different people see my songs in different All I do is express myself and hope the yutes can relate.my lifestyle plays a huge role in my music it's my experiences or certain feelings that lead to the creation of my songs. i’m pretty much a night owl so you’d see that my songs have the different night scenarios; either you're partying with your friends or just chilling at home bumping your jams. i’m also someone who lives full of love & talks about love, because, if not anything, that's what makes the world go round. Sometimes it’s about my love for what I do, for my family or the most Common, for a girl.
Those are just two examples basically but I think when everyone hears my upcoming project they'll understand my lifestyle a bit more & even join in the fun.

CM:We all face challenges,what challenges have you faced since you got into music?

Lectrik: i think the biggest challenge i’ve faced since i started music is self doubt. sometimes i’m not impressed with my self and I think I could do way better cause of the effort put into creating the music & it’s not reaching where I want it to. sometimes i criticize myself way too much and end up getting moody over just going over some things but I think that’s what makes me do what’s right at times. it keeps me on my toes, I’m basically my worst critic.

 like I said earlier my music is inspired by how i feel or an experience. especially in the lyrics, i just try to draw inspiration from my own personal events log. But when it comes to musical inspirations, in composition and production, these days i’m on a different one, so it's Sir Victor Uwaifo, Blink-182, Lil Wayne & the two that i’ve probably said a thousand times, Drake & Travis Scott.

CM:Most memorable&embarassing moment performing on stage?

Lectrik: I don’t think I’ve had an embarrassing moment while performing and I pray I never do. I can't really say one event was very memorable cause I have’t sold out a stadium yet. That's a memorable dream. Soon.

CM:What has music done for Lectrik?

Lectrik: Well, music got me this interview i guess. Music’s what got my name out there for you to know who i am. it has also actually made me a different person. I think I approach & think things differently. When it comes to achievements, i don’t like to talk about that. at least not yet. I’m still on my way. This isn’t the time for me celebrate at all.

CM:Tell us a glimpse about your love life?

Lectrik: i’m getting married soon.

CM:New projects&next 5 years plans?

Lectrik:I want to use this question to apologize to everyone to everyone about my next project. i’ve been posting it a lot but that's only because I'm trying to do the best music to all my listening family. I've called it other names but it's finally called “Nightlife” but I won't give a date yet. but it’s really soon. In the next 5 years I want to be where God Has planned for me to be & no where else.

CM:Tell us your take on youth empowerment?

Lectrik:Youth empowerment Is not a new thing & i can’t say anything youngens thejimnse days don't already know. Take the world into your own hands & kick ass. basically.

CM:How can your fans&readers connect to you on the media?

Lectrik: My twitter & Instagram is @llectrik, Soundcloud, Apple music, Spotify & the rest is just Lectrik.

CM:We had fun sir,thanks for honoring our call.

Lectrik:Thanks for having me, bless up.

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