Welcome to another blog post from Colossus Media HQ and today we have someone who over the years have made a name for himself and being the brother of the popular Songwriter/Artiste “MayorKun” alias “The Mayor Of Lagos”,Co Founder of the Charity Event “RADUNO AFRICA”. Chijindu Momoh “CjayMoore” is here in the studio with us and we will be talking about his life and career etc.

CMHQ:Well,can you tell us about yourself?

CjayMoore:I'm chijindu momoh also known as cjaymoore.A Student of Caleb university, department of biochemistry.

CMHQ:Well,your Instagram page shows that you're a Model,can you enlighten us more on this aspect if there's more to it?

CjayMoore:Positively spoken,yes iModel and iHave other things at hand so there’s really no time for my modeling career right now.

CMHQ:Can you please tell us what those things are?

CjayMoore:Media director of stitches (a fashion brand),Vice President of vision studios (an art organization),Personal Assistant to Mayorkun(TMOL),Co owner of RadunoAfrica

CMHQ:Wow you got alot of things in the bag ,with all this positions bestowed on you, how are you able to combine school and theentertainment market because we know it's not easy?

CjayMoore:ican’t lie it’s not easy at all
school has is own wahala o, but we just have to stay till the end,but the entertainment isn’t really big of a deal though,iFlow with it as it comes,Well to be honest being a biochemistry student isn’t easy but setting your mind to do whatever you want to do is key, there’s time for everything, when it’s school it’s school when it’s time to be Cjaymoore I also give it my all best.

CMHQ:We have been seeing posters and tweets around about #Raduno18,is there anything you want to tell us about it?

CjayMoore:Fingers crossed, if Jesus doesn't come.

CMHQ:Well said,So Cjay it's time to clear the air about something,is there any special woman in your life?

CjayMoore:There is no one yet BUT someone is getting there.

CMHQ:Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

CjayMoore:This question is low-key cliché but if Jesus doesn't come, Stress free securing all the bags.

CMHQ:So,when you're off school or working in any way,what do you do to relax?

CjayMoore: honest truth; iWatch movies,then Listen to good music.
or chat with her.

CMHQ:Before we sign out,do you have any word for your fans reading this and your folks.

CjayMoore:You guys are not lazy.
keep doing whatever you doing and stay focused. pray. believe and don’t do drugs.

CMHQ:Thank you very much CjayMoore for taking out time to come through. Colossus media loves and supports you.

CjayMoore:Its my pleasure.

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  Colossus media, Quality Unscripted.


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